
How to wear velvet... and NOT look like Fearne Cotton

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك How to wear velvet... and NOT look like Fearne Cotton

It might boast a legacy that reeks of Eighties Sloane Rangers and foppish thespian types, but velvet is having a renaissance. 

From full-length gowns at Armani, to jackets at D&G, and mini-dresses at Alexander Wang, the catwalks were draped in the stuff.

There's something regal about velvet, it imbues an outfit with a touch of luxury, and hints at indulgence. 

And let's not forget practicality —velvet has a real weight to it, so it tends to hang well and it's warm

Draped: Fearne Cotton takes the velvet look too far

But if you don't want to look like you're off to attend the Sunday morning service at Westminster Cathedral, it's probably best not to wear long, flowing, floor-length velvet — take note Fearne Cotton.

Instead, look for structured shapes that give definition with belts in contrasting fabrics, or opt for separates.

A velvet skirt in a modern shape looks great with a top in a lighter weight fabric, or team a fitted velvet jacket with a pair of jeans. Velvet's no longer underground.

Dress £60, Warehouse. Tights £7.50, ring £8, both John Lewis. Shoes £45, Marks and Spencer. Bag £40, Asos
Blouse £150, Jaeger. Jacket £49.50, jeans £29.50, shoes £49, all Marks and Spencer

LEFT: Dress £60, Warehouse. Tights £7.50, ring £8, both John Lewis. Shoes £45, Marks and Spencer. Bag £40, Asos

RIGHT: Blouse £150, Jaeger. Jacket £49.50, jeans £29.50, shoes £49, all Marks and Spencer

Dress £100, Linea at House of Fraser. Jacket £49, John Lewis. Shoes £22.99, New Look
Blouse £39.99, shoes £49.99, both Zara. Skirt £60, French Connection. Tights £7.50, John Lewis. Earrings £4.99, New Look

LEFT: Dress £100, Linea at House of Fraser. Jacket £49, John Lewis. Shoes £22.99, New Look 

RIGHT: Blouse £39.99, shoes £49.99, both Zara. Skirt £60, French Connection. Tights £7.50, John Lewis. Earrings £4.99, New Look


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